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Look Into My Heart (The Heart Book 3)
Look Into My Heart
Life has a strange way of giving you what you ask for. Just ask Cynthia Thornton as the saga of the Harrison family and friends continues…
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Look Into My Heart: Prologue

Cynthia sat in her office at TNT Event Planning waiting for her late-night caller to appear. It had been nearly two years since the two had met privately and she wondered—why now. What could he possibly want from her?  If it wasn’t for the fact that she knew him well enough to hear the distress in his voice, she would have simply said no when he asked to meet with her. But there was something urgent in his call and she couldn’t turn her back on him. The man taught her the meaning of real love. He did not have those feelings for her, but he certainly loved his wife Carolyn Roth-Roberts with all her flaws, and she has plenty. Nevertheless, it was difficult for her not to appreciate and treasure the short period of time they spent together before he said, “I do.”

She crossed her legs and sat back in the chair remembering how caring and attentive he was whenever he had free time, or Carolyn was out with one of her playmates.  Governor Gavin W. Roberts knew about his wife’s extra curriculum activities, but he loved her, nonetheless. That realization did not come to light for Cynthia until wedding of her friend, Tracy Harrison. Carolyn was distraught over JD Harrison, the now Attorney General of Virginia and a political powerhouse, choosing to marry Tracy Washington, a virtual unknown over her. The realization sent her running into Gavin’s arms that night.  The way he held and consoled her, even though she was crying over another man, let Cynthia know it was time to step aside. It was not in her nature to be the third wheel in anyone’s relationship. But she would be lying to herself if she said Gavin did not touch her heart with his gentle ways and caring manner.

“I always loved your legs in short dresses,” Gavin said from the doorway.

Looking up with a welcoming smile Cynthia simply stared at the man who changed her life. He showed her that she was worthy of the love of a good man. She just was having a hard time finding that man. “Hello, stranger. I would hug you, but you and I know that would lead to something else, and we are not going there.” Frowning, she noticed the stress she heard in his voice had reached his face. She could see he needed to talk and of course, she wondered if it was Carolyn, but was too polite to ask. “So, what has you so rattled that the strain is showing on that handsome face?”

The one thing he always loved about Cynthia Thornton was she did not mince words. She was always straight with him. He missed that. Taking a seat across from her desk Gavin sighed heavily. “Before we get into serious things, tell me what’s been happening with you. I understand the Prince of Emure has his eyes on you.”

Placing her pen on the desk Cynthia stood, walked over, and sat in his lap. She kissed his forehead and smiled, “Everyone is fine.” She laid her head against his and smiled, “And you know you don’t give a damn about what’s happening with the Prince of Emure. But I don’t like the vibe I’m getting from you. So, tell me what’s wrong and how I can help you fix it.”

Gavin gathered his arms around her waist and held on tight. How he wished he had fallen in love with her instead of Carolyn. “I need to tell you about something that has given someone control of my career.” He reached into his pocket and gave her a blue velvet jewelry box. “I need you to keep this safe until it’s needed. You’ll know when and who to give it to.”

Cynthia pulled away and looked down at him, “You’re scaring me. Is something going to happen to you?”

 “No,” he smiled, “nothing like that.”

As much as she wanted to, she didn’t believe him. She took the box and opened it.  Inside was a beautiful platinum heart-shaped locket on a matching chain. When she opened the heart there was a small item that looked like a miniature compact disc. She closed the locket and replaced it inside the box. Moving from his lap, she retook her seat at her desk and placed the box inside her purse. “Tell me what’s on your mind.”

Outside the TNT building, the Governor’s two bodyguards sat in the front seat of the black sedan, waiting for his return as instructed. “I’m not too crazy about this secret meeting. You stay here. I think I’ll just take a look around to make sure the perimeter is clear,” the man sitting in the passenger seat stated.

 “Make sure he doesn’t see you. The man does not like his orders being disobeyed.”

 “It’s for his safety.” The man exited the vehicle and walked around the building. Around the back, there was a light shining through the window. He assumed that’s where the meeting was taking place. Being careful not to be seen he stood flushed against the outer wall and glanced through the window. A sly grin crossed his face when he saw the meeting was with Cynthia Thornton and she was sitting on the Governor’s lap. “Playa, Playa.” He whispered as he shook his head. No longer concerned with the meeting, he was just about to walk away when he saw the exchange of the blue velvet box. “Damn,” the expletive word escaped. Walking back towards the front of the building, he stopped, pulled out his cellphone, and pushed a button. Once the call was answered he informed the receiver, “I believe we have a problem. The information has been passed to a third party.” The voice asked, “Who?”

 “Cynthia Thornton, owner of TNT Event Planning.” The man hung up the telephone and returned to the vehicle.

 “Well?” the driver questioned.

 “Here I was concerned for his safety and he’s in there with a woman.” The two men looked at each other and shared a knowing smile.

Donovan Tucker sat outside a club, watching his boss’ teenage daughter which was proving to be more than he had bargained for. Man, how he longed for the days of watching over Tracy, his boss little sister. Now she was easy. She spent most of her days in the library until she went off to college. Even then it wasn’t difficult to make sure no harm came to her and to be honest, it was an honor to be given such a task. His boss, Al “Turk” day, entrusted the life of his little sister to him. To this day Tuck, as he was called by his men, believed he had a part in her becoming the person she was today — a beautiful strong black woman with her own multi-million-dollar company, the wife of the Attorney General and now the mother of little JC Harrison. He couldn’t help but smile at how her life had turned out after the rough start. It was good she had Turk around making sure she was happy. Then when Turk landed in prison, he gave Tucker the duty of watching over her. But his teenage daughter was nothing like Tracy that was for sure. His cell phone buzzed, interrupting his thoughts. “Make it good,” he answered.

Listening intently to the information being given, he frowned. “The silent partner is making his move. He just put a hit out on the Governor’s friend.”

This was not good. Just when he thought things with Tracy were settled all hell was about to break loose. “Who has the contract?”

 “The Latin Eagles.”

 “Damn, not them again. I’ll handle it.” Tucker disconnected the call. He immediately made another call.

“Thompson,” the man answered.  “We have an issue. Meet me at Maxie’s Club in an hour.”

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