Life is funny. You think you’ve started this hobby of writing and suddenly you find yourself involved in the big business of publishing. Well, it wasn’t really suddenly. I mean it did not happen overnight. However, the little hobby is now a business. Yay, SIRI AUSTIN ENTERTAINMENT LLC. Check us out at:

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Did I see this coming? No. But man it has been a ride…… Let me bring you up on what has happen since the last time I blogged here, (coughing to cover the embarrassment) since 2013.

Novel number 15 was published last month. Series number four is one book away from completion and I am now the Executive Producer for my own television series, entitled….wait for it….The Heart.

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That’s right, I took my very first series, The Heart and made it a political drama   for television. Yes, we did casting calls and hire actors. We wrote scripts breaking book one, Once You’ve Touched The Heart, into scenes. We interviewed and hired crew members to film. And then, we just did it. We use several locations in my hometown, Richmond, VA. Filmed for six weekends and then edited for just as long. Then we aired for six weeks on the CW-Richmond network. And guess what?????? This is the best part. We are about to do it again for season 2 of The Heart. I have written six episodes from book 2, The Heart of Him, for filming this summer and airing around February 2016.

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Does this sound insane or what? Yes, I went from sharing the adventures of getting into the world of publishing to adding the world of production to it. Now take a minute and think about that….. It seems like a natural transition.

We write to share our stories, characters, and imaginations with readers. Producing those stories for television, web-series or movies, is a natural way to give your readers another aspect of your stories. First you put them between the pages of a book, then you bring them to life for the big screen. Natural progression.

So now, I have two worlds to share with you. The Adventures of a Self-Published Author and The Adventures of an Indie-Producer. There I’ve changed the name of my blog to Inside The Heart. Form now on I will be sharing the things from publishing, for that is my first love and things from behind the scenes of The Heart with you. I think Inside The Heart covers just about everything.

Talk about following a dream. Are your ready for the ride?

As always you can find me at: or

Until the next time,

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